About Me

Hello and welcome!

I am a retired healthcare worker turned journal designer extraordinaire!

My journals are not your typical run-of-the-mill journals, they're designed to make you smile, feel good and unleash your creativity. Think of them as a personal cheerleaders for your thoughts, dreams, and ideas!

When I'm not designing journals, you can find me cuddled up, sipping on a hot cup of coffee, and enjoying the simple things in life. There's nothing like a cozy blanket and a good book to make my day.

Speaking of cozy, my journals are perfect for capturing your cozy moments and documenting your journey to living your best life. Whether you're a list maker, a dreamer, or a doodler, my journals are the perfect place to put pen to paper and let your imagination run wild.

So, if you're looking for a journal that will bring a smile to your face and inspire you to live your best life, look no further! Order one of my journals today and let's make some magic happen!


I hope you enjoy the time you spend in my store and thank you for supporting women-owned small businesses!